Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The idealogy of reform by the Republicans

Once upon a time, there was an ill-fated idealogy to rid the world of extremism and introduce democracy. I thought extremism only existed with fundamentalism.

Well there is another radical element of the republican party in which McCain’s plan is his proposal to undermine state health insurance regulations by allowing consumers to buy insurance from sellers anywhere in the country. Mr. McCain said he is committed to ridding the market of these “needless and costly” insurance regulations.
Well I guess that explains why there was No oversight, No regulations to protect consumers and now we find a 158 year old giant crumble right before us.
This McCain health insurance transformation ("Reform") is right out of the right-wing Republicans’ ideological playbook: fewer regulations; let the market decide; and send unsophisticated consumers into the crucible alone. Just the same as the war in Iraq.
You would think that with some of the most venerable houses on Wall Street crumbling like sand castles right before our eyes, we’d be a little wary about spreading this toxic formula even further into the health care system.

But we’re not even paying much attention. Sad as it is the working class as they are often referred to are not even paying much attention.
Please break it down for these folks, 'Democrats"., Keep it simple for these folks to understand what is at stake.

Al Gore lost simply because he was too much of an intellectual. Keep it simple.

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